Starting at $23.35/hour with the potential to make up to $32.07/hour
BCSC drivers are guaranteed at least 4 hours a day
BCSC drivers receive sick/personal time to use throughout the year
To be considered for a bus driver position for Benton Community School Corporation, you need to submit an application online, click here to be redirected to the online application. Applications will be reviewed by the Director of Transportation. An interview will be conducted and an MVR (motor vehicle records) check of the applicant's license will be run. If an applicant is selected to move forward in the hiring process the applicant will be responsible for completing the necessary background screen (starting around $35.50), completing a pre-employment drug screen, and passing a CDL physical exam
If you are new to the Corporation or thinking about moving and need to find a bus stop near by, you can contact the BCSC Transportation office or the School your student(s) would be attending, provide the address and we will be able to assist with the bus stop location.
Approximate Stop Time & Locations
Approximate Stop Time & Locations
Approximate Stop Time & Locations
The safety of our students and staff is our biggest priority when inclement weather hits our area.
When there is inclement weather in the forecast the Director of Transportation works very closely with the Superintendent, along with local law enforcement, County and State Highway officials and with our neighboring school districts. The Director of Transportation will begin the process by traveling the roads and contacting local law enforcement and highway departments. When all information is gathered, a recommendation is made to the Superintendent and the Superintendent will make the final decision.
If the decision is to close or delay, BCSC typically tries to make that determination by 5:30 am - 5:45 am.
Once the decision is made there will be a voice and text notification sent out to all BCSC staff and students' parents/guardians. You can also tune into WLFI TV 18 or radio stations K105.3, 93.5, B102.9, 98.7 and 101.7 out of Lafayette and 94.1 out of Watseka for updates.
It is very difficult to make decisions for closings or delays based on a weather prediction. BCSC will do our best to not release students early however, if there is a situation that arises and the decision to release is made please take the time to talk with your family, close neighbors, and friends to have a plan in place.
Please remember riding a bus is a privilege, not a right.
At BCSC the school bus is viewed as an "extension of the classroom."
Exhibiting good behavior on the bus is the only way to continue riding the school bus.
• Drivers have the authority to assign and move student seating on the bus.
• No eating or drinking on the bus.
• Book bags, musical instruments, and other carry-on items are to be held on the student's lap or placed under the seat.
•The aisle and emergency exits must be kept clear at all times.
• Windows are not to be lowered more than halfway down.
On the bus, students will:
• Respect and obey the bus driver.
• Observe classroom conduct, including voice tone. At BCSC we consider the school bus an extension of the classroom.
• Not yell, scream, make other loud noises, or use profane language.
• Remain seated, facing forward with both feet on the floor
• Treat the bus with respect; not write on or damage seats; not leave trash on bus
• Not fight, push, shove, or scuffle on the bus
• Not bring onboard any item that would obstruct the visibility for the driver or is determined by the driver to be a safety hazard; examples include but are not limited to: any glass items, items too large to be put on laps or under the seat, animals other than approved service animals, inflated balloons, alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco in any form, juls, or any type of vape device, flammable materials, knives, guns, ammunition, explosives, or dangerous materials.
Electronic Devices (Cell phones, chrome books, handheld gaming systems, etc.):
• Devices should not be used on BCSC buses to take videos or pictures of other students or the driver.
• When using an electronic device the volume should remain at zero or the student should use headphones.
• Devices should not become a distraction to the driver or other students.
If a device of any kind is distracting the driver or causing issues between students the driver HAS THE RIGHT to take the device and hold it safely in the driver compartment until they have reached school or the students stop.
Indiana Code:
IC 20-27-10-2 states: When students are being transported on a school bus, the students are under the supervision, direction, and control of the school bus driver and are subject to disciplinary measures by the school bus driver and the governing body of the school corporation.
Benton Community School Corporation Procedure:
At BCSC the school bus is considered an “extension of the classroom.” We expect our students to follow the same rules and expectations they have in the classroom on the school bus. DRIVER AUTHORITY: The authority of the bus driver will be recognized and supported by all. For everyone's safety, the bus driver must be heard and be able to hear traffic sounds, such as sirens and horns. All students should obey and follow all directives and rules given to them by the driver. If students disobey bus rules or become uncooperative or a hazard to safety, they shall be dealt with in a manner prescribed by the discipline procedures for Benton Community School Corporation. The driver shall use discretion when attempting to handle the problem using the following step-by-step procedures:
By enforcing stricter measures, we aim to deter any disruptive behavior that may compromise the safety of the students and the overall atmosphere on the buses.
Question: Can my student ride home with a friend?
Answer: Yes, but we ask that you communicate with the Transportation Department 24 - 48 hours before so the bus driver can be notified and seating arranged.
Question: Can my student have electronics on the bus?
Answer: Yes, however, if the electronic is being used inappropriately, is causing issues between students, or is becoming a distraction to the driver your student will be asked to put it away. If the student does not comply the device may be taken and kept in the driver's compartment until the student arrives home or to school.
Question: Can my student bring items on the bus with them?
Answer: *Please see the list of items prohibited from the bus in the Conduct section.* In addition if the item being brought to school cannot sit in the lap of your student then they should not bring it on the bus.
Question: Who do I call if my student misses the bus, isn't riding the bus, or has moved?
Answer: Most BCSC families communicate with their drivers directly but if you should have any questions and can't reach your driver you can call Transportation at 765-884-0143. If you have moved and need to get a new bus assignment you will need to contact the school to change your address and you will need to contact Transportation to get new bus information.
Director of Transportation
Jennifer Wright
Head Mechanic
Brandy Banta
Bus Driver #1801
Rodney Wealing
Bus Driver #1821
Lynn Bowers
Bus Driver #1617
Carol Hoffman
Bus Driver #2232
Elizabeth Muller
Bus Driver #1820
Kelly Roe
Bus Driver # 2426
Keisha Stapleton
Bus Driver #2236
DOE Driver
Carrie Heady
ECA Driver
Bob Coon
Bus Driver #1602
Jim Bird
Bus Driver #2424
Matt Corns
Bus Driver #1907
Kelli Johnson
Bus Driver #2414
Alisa Noble
Bus Driver #1719
Matt Shuee
Bus Driver #2440
Jessica Stickrod
Bus Driver # 1728
Tim Wesley
Bus driver 1829
Dennis Sondgeroth
ECA Driver
Judy Goris
Bus Driver #1722
Ray Banister
Bus Driver #1927
Gail Green
Bus Driver #1931
Susan Brutus
Bus Driver #2423
Garrett Snedeker
Bus Driver #2234
Ethan Conard
Bus Driver #1930
Rhonda Winters
ECA Driver
Darrell Allen